Breakthrough fabrication on flexible substrates enables high-fidelity EMG recordings.
Exceptional Resolution.
Single Motor Units.
Our micron-scale electrodes yield high signal-to-noise recordings of single motor units across multiple electrodes. In both acute and chronic recordings, multiple single motor units can be simultaneously recorded and can be differentiated with clustering algorithms.
Multi-Unit Resolution.
Chronic implantation of arrays has yielded multi-unit recordings for up to two weeks and design optimization is ongoing to extend both single-unit and multi-unit capabilities for longer recordings. Bulk motor activity resolution has been recorded for over a month.
Ease of Implantation.
The design of our flexible arrays was developed alongside a group of neuroscience researchers who are experts in EMG recordings. Our streamlined design makes it easy for researchers to quickly implant multiple arrays on the same muscle without the need to learn new techniques.
High SNR.
Our unique 3D electrodes increase the signal-to-noise ratio and provide stable high-fidelity recordings over days and weeks.
Targeted recordings.
The high-density electrode arrays are narrow to enable neuroscientists to record populations of motor units from a local region. Multiple arrays can be used to record from sites across one or more muscles simultaneously.
Our team of engineers use the latest microfabrication techniques to fabricate cutting edge technology that enhance your science.
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4 x 8. GG100-032P2
The GG100-032P2 is an array with a single pad of 32 contacts arranged in 4 columns of 8 electrodes each. This design is a general purpose configuration that can be used for acute recordings for a variety of targets.
High-density electrodes provide redundant information for spike sorting while sampling across multiple muscle fibers and motor units.
4 x 1 x 8. MF400-032P2
For intramuscular and epimysial recordings, the MF400 design provides anatomical flexibility combined with targeted recording sites.
Four threads can be implanted on the same muscle or across multiple muscles. Each thread has a line of 8 contacts that can be secured into place using suture holes that flank the recording sites.
Because fabrication of recording arrays takes 2-3 weeks, users are first introduced to the implantation procedure with “blank template” arrays that are the same shape as the recording arrays but do not have recording sites. These templates can be fabricated in 2 days and enable users to get a sense of how to work with the material.
M Zia, B Chung, SJ Sober, MS Bakir. 2020. Flexible multielectrode arrays with 2D and 3D contacts for in vivo electromyography recording. IEEE Trans. Comp. Packag. Manufac. Tech. 10(2): 197-202. DOI: 10.1109/TCPMT.2019.2963556
M Zia, B Chung, SJ Sober, MS Bakir. 2018. Fabrication and characterization of 3D multielectrode array on flexible substrate for in vivo EMG recording from expiratory muscle of songbird. IEEE Int’l Electron Dev. Meeting. pp. 29.4.1-4. DOI: 10.1109/IEDM.2018.8614503.
K Srivastava, CM Holmes, M Vellema, A Pack, C Elemans, I Nemenman, SJ Sober. 2017. Motor control by precisely timed spike patterns. PNAS. 114(5): 1171-1176. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1611734114